So, the label is slowly growing and we see now that the studio/office is going to be too small for us, in the near future. That’s why we are moving the office-part out if the studio, to free up some space for the studio, and getting a larger office in the process.
What this means is that there will be a small period of time where we aren’t as available as we would like. We will still be answering your emails and getting your orders out. Those things will always have priority. And we’re working as fast as we can, and hopefully we’ll be back on ordinairy buisniss withing 2-3 weeks.
It also means that demos and new music will not be a priority for the next couple of weeks. But please keep sending us demos, and we’ll pick it up as soon as we’re back to ‘normal’ routine.
In the meantime, horns up, stay metal and listen to some of our great artists.
Oh, and we almost forgot…. We will be announcing a new release very soon.