Tales of the end
Out now
Tales of the End is the newly released debutalbum of the newly arisen black-metal band Snøstorm, which hails from the depts of Bulgaria and the mountaintops of the Norwegian landscape. The band has put together a 7-track mini-album that just hit all streamingservices and stores.
The band signed with Whispering Voice Records earlier this year.
The band is looking of course looing for interviews, press and airplay, but most of all looking for someone to review their album and give them some feedback.
If interested in interviewing the band, please get in touch and we’ll set everything up for you.
All music on the album is composed and recorded by Nikolay Velev and the vocals are written and recorded by Atle Attila Nygård. The album was recorded, mixed and mastered between 21.02 and 02.03 in Cometosin studio, Bulgaria.
Vocals recorded in Vatneli Studios, Norway
Photography cover by Hristo Peshey
Design and layout by Veliza Gordeev (Vile)